World Book Night 2018
'when the ships come into sight beyond the bay we feel our inner loads lighten and become aware how freighted we had become with jostling thoughts'
WBN United Artists will be making their annual video and artist’s book as part of World Book Night 2018.
Artists are invited to contribute their work, responding to ‘Watching God’ in the collection of short stories Three Moments in an Explosion by China Miéville. The work will be included in a collaborative artist’s book to be launched on 23rd April 2018.
Above and below are my contributions to the book:
‘I am not much of a reader’
‘To the disappointment of my mother and my friend Gam, both intellectuals, I am not much of a reader......what I liked most was to climb the bleached trees at the edge of the forest and take birds' eggs and empty them carefully and paint the shells.’